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Welcome to Primož Vallant!
I'm independent author, researcher, consultant & activist. Dedicated to revealing and solving problems, which are destroying our planet, society and rights.
Past Projects
Here are our past innovative nonprofit free information, free speech, social, legal, transparency, conservation, ecological, sustainable projects, innovations, inventions and ideas. To improve, grow, develop and protect our society, jobs, activities, services, products, environments and planet.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019
Dear friends I wish you and your family Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year 2019!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019
Dear friends I wish you and your family Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year 2019!
Suspending all online/business activities for unspecified time
Due to severely worsened health I'm forced to suspend all my online/business activities for unspecified time.
Contact Primož Vallant
Primož Vallant's contact adresses
Enjoy my favorite summer Festival Lent 2014
Enjoy Festival Lent 2014 from 20.06.2014 to 5.7. 2014, in Maribor, Slovenia! With numerous concerts, events, stand-up comedians, folklore and dance shows and best after parties...
Primoz Vallant's blog features his articles, audio and video podcasts on how everything we do influences world around us and what we can do to make world a better place for all of us living on it. Comments, discussion, constructive critics and suggestions are welcome.
Review of Guardian's SecureDrop
Preliminary review of Guardian's SecureDrop system for whistleblowers for submitting confidential documents to Guardian journalists.
Information about, it's founder Primož Vallant, policy, goal, target market, short history, past experience, knowledge & know how, past clients, and future.
About me
Why choose Primož Vallant
Why should you choose and use Primož Vallant's work, articles, ebooks, lectures and consulting services?
Overhaul of
Primož Vallant's web site is currently under major overhaul.
Primož Vallant's RSS Syndication Feeds
RSS Syndication Feeds on
Primož Vallant's support options and support contacts.
Donate to
Support work, actions, services and projects of with your donations!
Primož Vallant's services
Primož Vallant's nonprofit socially, legally, transparently, ecologically, sustainably beneficial services. To improve, grow, develop and protect our society, jobs, activities, services, products, environments and planet.
Dosedanji razvoj dogodkov-03.11.2009
Potek dogodkov in ukrepanje po odkritju uničevanja Božjih šteng
Catastrophic and worst damage by forest machine/Katastrofalna in najhušja škoda gozdnega stroja
Photos of Catastrophic and worst damage so far by forest machine at Osankarica/Fotografije katastrofalne in najhujše škode do sedaj pri Osankarici
Poročilo republiške gozdarske inšpekcije o Božjih štengah
Poročilo gozdarske inšpekcije je v prilogi. V prihodnje vas prosimo, da se o vseh morebitnih nepravilnostih obrnete na gozdarskega inšpektorja, ki ima sedež v Slovenski Bistristrici - tel. 02 805 1090 (See attached file: Rekonstrukcija vlake- Božje štenge-poročilo.pdf) S spoštovanjem mag. Bojan Vomer direktor gozdarske inšpekcije